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Jet Lag is Real

According to Webster, jet lag refers to “a condition that is characterized by various psychological and physiological effects (such as fatigue and irritability), occurs following long flight through several time zones, and probably results from disruption of circadian rhythms in the human body”.

Don’t worry, I didn’t read that whole definition either.

As long as you weren’t born yesterday, you know what jet lag is. Even if you have yet to experience it, you know it when you see it.

Jet lag is the worst thing since unsliced bread. Depending which coast you’re going to, you either wake up at the crack of dawn or just after lunch time. You could waste your whole day sleeping in, since your internal clock is so confused.

It can also be the best thing since sliced bread. If you normally sleep in late, waking up at eight in the morning naturally is nice. You are able to be a productive member of society and it’s awesome. In this case, jet lag can actually be a positive.

Speaking of bread, hunger is a whole other issue. Not just being hungry at the wrong times, but craving a cheeseburger for breakfast can be a tad off putting. I hate to admit it, but there have been many times where I’ve followed through with those cravings. A Double Double with cheese fries tastes pretty great at 10 in the morning.

So how can you avoid all of this?

Short answer: If you want to travel across the country, you really can’t avoid it entirely.

My best advice is to take advantage of Advil PM when it is normal sleeping time and espresso shots during the day. Try your hardest to suck it up and mimic normal routine the first day you arrive and it will get easier as the days go on.

Good luck on your travels!



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Born in raised in Long Island, NY, Megan moved to the SF Bay Area after college and is pursuing a career in Marketing while adjusting to life on the West Coast.

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